Thursday, August 26, 2010

what happens?

It's been a while since I posted here. That is down to the fact that my foot is still unusable. I have a date with a foot and ankle consulting surgeon in September and hope that that will provide a way of moving forward again.

I'm starting to suspect Hallux Rigidus as the main culprit.

So there has been no running, more is the pity. On the other hand (or foot) there has been a lot of biking - usually over the glorious Malvern Hills and usually on some pretty devestating terrain. My vocabulary is now spiced with such descriptive name-checks as Hitchcock, Chossy Gullet, Narnia, Yew Tree, Dambusters and others.

It's a bit difficult to document with photographs, and more so as my regular biking pal has just had his bike pinched from his yard. This means fewer trips currently but once he gets on top of that I think we are going to photograph some of the action.

Stay tuned (fettled?)...